Sunday, March 02, 2008
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Closer links urged to foster tourism

Photo: Temple in Savannakhet province, Laos
The Lao National Tourism Administration (LNTA) has urged tourist offices around the country to work together to promote popular tourist attractions.
“If all offices cooperate we hope to persuade tourists to stay longer in Laos ,” LNTA President Somphong Mongkhonvilay said on Tuesday in Vientiane province.
He said the administration planned to set up regions, each consisting of four or five provinces, and tourist operators in those regions would be asked to cooperate in promoting the various attractions in the area.

Recently, tourism offices from the five central provinces held a festival in Savannakhet province to promote tourist sites, local culture and handmade products, attracting thousands of visitors.
“This was a great event and served to showcase tourist attractions in the area. Another successful event was the Elephant Festival held in Xayaboury province earlier this month, which drew interest from the local and foreign media and advertised our tourism potential to the world,” said Mr Somphong.
He added that tourism in Laos has been developing in the last few years because the government has made it easier for visitors to get visas, as well as increasing access to neighbouring countries.

The LNTA will organis e a festival in Vangvieng district, Vientiane province, at the end of this year to promote tourism links between five southern and four northern provinces , as well as parts of Vietnam and Thailand .
“The festival will be held in Vangvieng district because it is well known among tourists worldwide,” Mr Somphong said.
He advised that provincial tourism offices should select their best tourist attractions to promote at the festival.
By Souknilundon Southivongnorath
Filed Under:
attraction lao pdr.
laotian tourism
Luang prabang
Tourist Information Centre in Vientiane
Vang vieng
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